
Mornings With Him

4-7-07 || 11:01pm || Mood: The current mood of sweetabsence21 at www.imood.com

I climb the stairs, silently aknowledging who is in the kitchen. Coffee cups clang as they are being pulled out of the cubboard. The sunlight warms the room. Like butter melting into toast, smells. I rush the few steps down the hall into the bathroom, my overnight bag slung over my shoulder. PJ bottoms and bra-less self consciousness. "I hope no one notices." The door clicks behind me and I throw my bag on the chair and turn on the shower to hot as I can stand, and cleanse my body from the stickyness of sleeping beside someone, and a million degrees mattress pad. I get out and drip water across the cold tile floor, wrap my hair in a big soft towel. PJs slipped back on, bra-less still. I try to sneak back down, but "Good Morning." from Marc's Dad. Damn. "I hope he didnt notice." They bounce as I decend the stairs, I cross my arms all the way down the hall. I crawl back into bed with him. He turned the mattress heated back on to a million degrees but I snuggle up to him anyways. He opens one eye to focus. "You smell new." He falls back asleep and I watch his chest deepen with each breath. I touch the little stubble on his chin, touch his jawline and run my fingers through his hair, half frazzled with gel from the night before. I close my eyes. The towel from my hair soaks into the pillowcase and loosens from my head. I sink into the comforter and rest my hand on his chest. His hot breaths land on my neck and I open my eyes, bothered. His blue eyes, wide open. Watching me. He snuggles in and kisses me. "Good morning."

Then cops a feel. ;)

then || now
